Blue Betta Basking in the Light

Intensely Enthralled in the Moment
Smiling Before The Yelling Begins
I was asleep for the majority of the morning while Leigh was wide awake. I finally woke up at 11:00 a.m. still with a stuffy nose, horrid cough, and a feeling as though any ounce of energy from my body was depleted and nonrenewable. BLAH! I vegetated on the couch while Leigh was working on the vehicle outside. We finally went out for a bit in the late afternoon, and we got this new pet before visiting Mom. We visited Mom for a short while since she was very tired and falling asleep.
Once we got home, Leigh worked on this project, and somehow I got involved with it as well---until I got the camera out and started going camera crazy. Then I got yelled at for taking TOO many pictures of the fish. So I was banned from taking anymore photos of the blue Betta. Geesh! For instructions on how to make a betta fish vase, visit http://www.essortment.com/all/betafishvase_rhpv.htm