Last night was a rough one for me since after a nice day out, I got ill and didn't get to bed until after 1:30 a.m. since I had a 24 hour bug. It was awful, but fortunately I slept till 9:30 a.m. .
This morning Leigh spoke his family on the phone. He rang his Grandparents, Uncle, and Mum. And fortunately everyone was doing well. I know how much he misses everyone, and hopefully we'll be able to go over to travel to England soon for a visit.
Later in the day, my sis Linda came over to visit, and we exchanged Christmas gifts. Rocco was overjoyed with his gift....a duck that quacks..hehe. Leigh got a lovely bottle of cologne, and I got a sewing box to hold all of my sewing notions in them instead of having them hodgepodge and misplacing them. Plus, I got the new Rachael Ray cookbook....YAYYYYYYY! We enjoyed a late lunch and watched a dvd. I also got some Christmas photos of Mom, which are beautiful. I can't wait to frame them!