On Thursday, I spent the entire day in my classroom cleaning out the closets and organizing all of my materials. I scrubbed them clean purging all of the dust mice and any trace residue left from the past. I actually found an item from 1977 in the bottom shelf tucked into a far corner! It was a glue spray can from the Winn's Store, which we no longer even have in this town anymore!!! I was only 6 years old back then! Gosh, how the years fly by! I felt very nostalgic when I was cleaning the room by myself. Mom loved to come help me get my classroom ready. She always made it a point to bring me some ivy plants to decorate my room or she'd come by and arrange books on the bookshelves for me. I miss her so much.
Yesterday when I was at the doctor's office, I truly thought that she was going to walk in at any moment. She'd usually meet up with me at the dr's if I was ill, and each time the door opened I expected to see her face. I almost cried when those thoughts came crashing down on me. Imagine that! The other strangers in the lobby would have thought that I was losing my mind.But, fortunately for them, my name was called out by the nurse, and off I went into one of the many patient rooms.
On Friday, I went to the school to work on my room, and one of the teachers opened the school for me (since there are no janitors working on Fridays during summertime.) So I was alone in the building for about an hour or so, and I had the heebie jeebies for awhile, especially since the hallways were dark and I've been told too many creepy tales about things that people have seen or heard while working in the early morning hours. But I just focused on the job ahead of me, and I scrubbed and cleaned the two closets that I was intent on getting readied by today. At noonish, I left and went on my way to visit Mom. We played Bingo, and Mom ate snacks with her diet soda. My stomach was all jumbled, so I just drank tea.
Leigh and I were supposed to go out for dinner, but instead he ordered take-out for us due to me feeling a bit queasy.
As for Saturday, Leigh worked for most of the morning, and he got home at noontime. For the remainder of the day, we stayed at home. I ended up falling asleep, and at one point Leigh said that he had wanted to photograph all three pets and myself since we were all dozing at the same time. Lol!
Here are some more photos of Leigh and Theodore (who is now nicknamed "Stitch" from the movie "Lilo and Stitch" when he gets into his cute, fuzzy, and mischievous moods.)