Monday, August 3, 2009

Fingerprints and Mugshot

I was at the personnel office at 8:10 a.m. waiting to get my fingerprinting and photograph done and dusted. However, the person doing this task was running behind schedule. Grrr! It was pretty cool seeing one's fingerprints enlarged 100 times bigger. But everything was done so clinically that it made me feel as if I was a suspect in!
After this was completed, I went to my classroom and started working on my room. I was the filing queen and got most of my filing cabinets cleaned and organized. Seems as if I'm purging a lot of clutter lately. It's been four straight days now.
After being there all morning long, I came home and watched a few episodes of "Ghost Hunters" before heading out to the gym for an afternoon workout.
I am thrilled to say that my personal trainer won 1st place at the competition in Canada! He won an awesome trophy in the shape of a muscular bodybuilder. While there, I made friends with Mindy, a new member of the gym. Then I met up with my hubby and we went out for dinner. Now it's late and I should be in bed since I need to wake up early tomorrow morning for another busy day. Hope everyone has a good night's sleep. :)

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