Sunday, July 13, 2008

Senegalese Food at Church

Leigh and I attended church to find that Jessica was making a presentation of the work she and others accomplished while in Senegal.It was very interesting to hear of how they spread the word of God in another country. In the middle of her presentation, she had servers pass out a sample of Thebouidienne, which is a traditional food that she was taught to make. And,ooh, it was delicious! It's a dish with rice, fried fish, spices,etc. I'd love to get the recipe for this and actually make it one evening for us. Plus, we had a tea that had a punch to it called attaya. Out of the two, I preferred the cheb aka Thebouidienne. Here's a site for the recipe:



Our church members will be making another trip to Senegal. Maybe we might be able to make the trip as well someday.

Much of the remainder of the day went smoothly. At around 4ish, Leigh went to help out at the church since their Bible Summer School commences this week, and they needed to move some heavy furniture as well as prepare some items for tomorrow's arts and crafts class. While he was out, I remained at home and decided to do some yard work when I got a tad wound up with a conversation in the late evening that left me nettled to the core and I needed an outlet. So I decided to go outdoors and remove weeds from the yard. I was working hard and sweating while all of a sudden I saw a slithery tail under the trees. Then I dashed for the phone and told Leigh to COME HOME NOW THERE'S A SNAKKKEEE !!!! He came and killed the thin,slinky snake which although it was beheaded, continued to bite into the air, which gave me the heebie jeebies. Shudder! So far, we believe that it was a cotton mouth snake, maybe.